15:42You know when you were in (or still in) those Maths lessons and you were sitting there staring at the walls, as your teacher wrote unrelated looking symbols, letters and numbers on the white board (or chalk board). Wondering when on earth am I gonna use this in my life? Yeah we've all had those moments. Some of us still have the honour of STILL having Maths lessons due to an Economics degree -_- #ButWhosComplaining! LOL so anyway, little do you know how many ways Maths actually affects ones life. I hear people constantly talking about weight and I thought I'd address it.
You've all heard the 'heavy bone' theory so why let the numbers that appear on scales affect you? You all know that sizes vary between different shops and countries, e.g a size 6 in the UK may be a size 2 in the US. Why let the numbers that appear on clothes affect you? Also sometimes manufacturers of clothes that prioritise quality assurance, especially high street so a size 12 in *Shop X' could be a size 14 in 'Shop Y' so why let these numbers affect you?
It has become a daily occurrence of people demeaning themselves and not accepting themselves for who they are. EVERYONE has insecurities and we all know this. There's only so many times you can here these infamous clinches before you believe them yourself. You have to love yourself before anyway can love you. This is so true because if you don't appreciate yourself, you're left in a vulnerable state where really anyone can take advantage and hurt you. Just accept yourself, easier said than done I know, I find it hard to say 'I love myself' maybe something to do with humility but you gotta at least appreciate yourself otherwise you can get offended if no one else does. D'ya know what I mean babes!? I can be size 6 in some shops depending on the type of clothing and whether it stretches! However I could be a size 8 in shops that don't do size 6 or if it's a type of clothing that my hips can't fit in! Let's face it, I hardly don't wear jeans, more so jeggings! LOL size 6 just won't fit and If I get a size 12, the waist would be too big! That's just me :) and these are numbers, I love curves so I am 100% (Maths) fine with having to try different sizes on just to get the right (or closest to!) fit. Start accepting yourself and life will feel 100% :)
Lalala loveyoulongtime!