Touch the sky.
15:56I've always been a shaaaawty (obvs LOL) but I honestly love it. Who always wins hide & seek!? ;) however there was a time when I was like "ahh maynee, who's gonna reach the cookie jar for me?" LOL I'm joking. I'm like next to 5 foot nothing, like 5ft3 and I honestly wouldn't change it for anything! I wear heels nearly ALL the time because I lalala love them, NOT to be taller. I remember once in year 10 or 11, it was non-uniform day, I was wearing heels and got the usual question: "Jennifer what d'ya always wear heels!?" I normally giggle and my friend was like "because she wants to be taller" and was like "noooo chica!" - blonde or not, it never occurred to me before that people wore heels to be taller LOL honestly I've just lived them since forever, I've never worn heels to fit in, I infant was ALWAYS the outlier and odd one out wearing heels, but who wants to be the even two in! Not me ;) so back to the point, if you're a shaaaawty like me, embrace it! I do wear flats, I LOVE sneakers, love my hi tops and my Jordan's and my Converses and my Vans and my Nike's! If you're a sneakerhead like me you're probably thinking aren't Jordan's, Nike and aren't hi-tops normally Converses AND Nike's? Well yes, oui, si amigos! When you're a shaaaawty just dress in proportion, I always wear knee length body cons but I'd probably not wear them with flats also if you're gonna wear long boots, try a cropped top or cropped jacket instead or a normal length one! Comprendo? :)
Nice bblog thanks for posting