Baby Phat.


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I've been to many different parts of America but NEW YORK always sticks out to me. When I went a few years ago, I bought some staple products that are still going strong now! This absolute gorgeous Baby Phat maxi dress was one of the said products. At the time it was $80/£50 and I just fell in love with the hints of rich purples and corals interwined in a floral basis. This Baby Phat dress feels heavenly on the skin and I think this is due to the viscosity, 12% spandex to be precise! HELLO! Call me maybe (laugh out loud) but I've got a thing for reading "ingredients" of pretty much everything, clothes, hair products, skin products - pretty much everything that can be read, I'm reading. Also I'm a self-taught seamstress/dress maker/tailor if I may say so myself. HA more like I can do a few stitches on my sewing machine, one step at a time Jennifer! Okay back to life, back to reality..

Dress: Baby Phat, $80/£50
Sandals: H&M, £12.99

For a long time now, I've wanted a collection of see-through/perspex/transparent/semi-transparent/opaque/semi-opaque/glass shoes but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be many in the market but of course when I saw these flatform perspex sandals at H&M, I HAD to get them right? Of course! They are pefect as 'see-through' is the ultimate nude, they go with anything and eveything! They're super comfortable also, it has come to my attention that any shoe I wear seems to have to either have some sort of platform or a heel, I cannot wear completely flat shoes - they hurt me!

So now onto jewelley (the word we all struggle spelling and even saying!) I am allegic to Nickel as I've mentioned so ultimately have to wea 24 carat gold earings or Nickel free. I was SO happy to find a spa in Malta who was able to pierce my extra piercings for me to form my completed "ellipses" which I've been wanting for ages! I actually got it done last year in Malta but I took it out too early and it closed up so this time I just re-pierced and don't worry I'll leave it in as long as poss! The other earring obviously feeds my Minnie Mouse obsession and it's Nickel Free (yay!) - I absolutely love it and it complemented the dress quite well so I can't complain :)

As for my hurrr (that's my hair), I was loving how BIG is was that day but because the outfit is loud enough, I simply took two pieces from both sides and pinned it back with one bobby pin. Yes ONE, shocking! I also had a bantu knot at the front and loved the fact that it looked like a flower. The only product in my hair was a little bit of coconut oil, I love coconut oil!

If you want to go one step away from casual, literally let your hair down and pair with heels of your choice as an alternative! I think this look could look really fierce with Sandal Heels but for the sake of Baby Phat's legacy I wore High Platform Wedges for that releasing of inner d-d-diva (obviously I'm not a diva though!) - have fun, life's short!

That's it guys, if you have any questions leave it in the comments below (omg I sound like a YouTuber! That being said, people have asked me to start making YouTube Videos, eek!) and I will answer as soon as I see it.

For the quickest responses, tweet me @bootyfurl, you can also email me or 'ask' me on tumblr, of course you can also fill in the contact form on my website - I'm here for you all always!

Lots of love!

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  1. Your hair your hair, jealous.

    1. Don't be jel babe, I've got tips all over my blog to you :)

  2. that's such a beautiful dress! you look amazing. XO

  3. that silhouette looks great on you, and I love the 3 earrings in your 3rd photo.
    Lots of love
    Nat x

    1. 3 earrings in 3rd photo, you'd think I did it on purpose! Haha thank you for your kind words :)

  4. Wow, I jadore your hair.....

  5. cute dress and your bodyshape is adoreble :)

  6. Wow your dress- you look fab! It compliments your figure amazingly well.
    Youre right there seems to be a massive lack of clear shoes when they look that good
    Thanks for the comment on my diy

    1. You're the sweetest! Thank you so much :)


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