iPhone Backup Extractor: iOS6.


London Fashion Week was the absolute best. I'm so knackered from having back to back shows and events every day but I'd do it all again and will be for AW13 in February 2013 - bring it on! I was actually just gathering my pictures to write the many overdue posts when I was told via my very reliable twitter sources that the iOS6 update is out today! So I had to make this post which is also overdue (I'm a VERY busy little girl)!

Last major iPhone update, I spent literal hours backing up my phone because there were stories of people losing EVERYTHING. Yes, EVERYTHING. Me being a "fashionista" as they say :) means that losing notes/pictures would be the worst. Well guess what? I lost EVERYTHING. Yes, EVERYTHING. I had 6,000+ pictures consisting of OOTD/inspiration/designs/fashion shows/memories - just everything really and I lost it all. Obviously I was totes sad. I tried everything, I called Apple, went in to the store, researched online. All in all I spent HOURS, DAYS, WEEKS trying to get everything back but no luck. Everything had gone. Imagine if that happened to you? Some people wouldn't mind because they have like 100 pictures but all my bloggers out there especially will know we've got to hang on to all our data. That being said, nearly a whole year went past and I'd often vaguely recall some of the pics/videos that I had taken and feel like UGH why me? So me being the determined won't-stop kinda chica, I decided to do my research about getting my stuff back.

Around two weeks ago I found iPhone Back Up Extractor by Reincubate, I saw this vid on YouTube. I just though YOLO (yes, very cliché I know) I've got nothing to lose. I downloaded it. It recognised the last backup I did and then I followed the instructions from the video.. OMG when it recovered some of my stuff I nearly cried so then I went onto to register and just WOW.. It has everything from my very first 3GS to my 4S, I was and still am over the moon. I love memories, that's why I have so many pictures (no excuse for 6,000+ I know I know) and notes, it's true that pictures speak a thousand words.

The download is completely free and it allows you to restore four records but for unlimited full restoration of your back up, it's £15. Come on, what's £15? The price of a t-shirt? The t-shirt can wait! Get all your memories back, they're worth so much more.

Anyway the moral of this story, if you have ever lost anything from an update or just in general PAUSE back up your iPhone and then download iPhone Backup Extractor. Try to do this before you attempt to update to iOS6. I'm telling you this will be the best decision you've ever made. Don't loose all those fabulous pictures you took at LFW!


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  1. I can't thank you enough, thank you thank you thank you!


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