Road Trip 2013.


So MSM (love them) had a blogger Road Trip challenge, super exciting! They gave us £50 to put fuel in our tanks and go on a wee little journey. I'm from Esssssex but I decided to host a drive to the beautiful Bournemouth for my sisters Cheerleading competition! It's really convenient going by car, especially for people like me who pack to the very last minute (literally) and still feels that more can fit in. That's what every single corner of the car is there for right? ;) On to #SunSeaSkiesSand #RoadTrip #LEGGO.

Started the day off superrr early in the morning to make the most out of it, esta es mi cara..

I had never been to Bournemouth prior to this challenge and I am genuinely in love! We were also lucky enough to go in one of the hottest weekends ever which was totes amaze. The beach and the atmosphere is just too cool for school. Fo'sho.

I went with my sister (obvs), my cousins, aunty, uncle y madre y padre. It's a big car! I love ma famalia, they're great company, so a Road Trip with them is another to add to my scrapbook.. wait I don't have a scrapbook.. does a blog count? Let's call it an e-scrapbook!

I was muy fascinated by this Jelly Belly Air Freshner I bought for the car #OMG. Like really. Let's appreciate this amazing creation por favor.

I have tens of thousands of pictures because I love memories. So if a picture is worth a thousand words then how many words do I have? Eeeek!

We stayed at Marriott Highcliff, which is situated directly opposite the beach and pretty much a five min walk to the city center (shops!). However, for some reason in Bournemouth all of our phone receptions and sometimes Wi-Fi connections were really bad. Why!? Does anyone know? Furthermore, if you want a relaxed weekend away "locally" (Vs. abroad) I'd defo suggest Bournemouth! I know cheerleading and Road Trips sound mega American but we all love America! Whoops I realise the last sentence contradicts the sentence beforehand but you know what I mean haha, plus your roadtrips can be anywhere really, be creative! :)

Hope you enjoyed this post, and the biggest thank you to MSM!


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