
Win A GlossyBox! Plus July/August 2013 GlossyBox Review.


Okay let's get started! Want to win a GLOSSYBOX!? Well Bootyfurl & GlossyBox have teamed up for the next few months to offer you a chance to win a box a month, how exciting?! 

How to enter:
  • follow @GlossyBoxUK on twitter
  • follow @bootyfurl on twitter & bloglovin.
  • comment below with your twitter name & what makes you happy - whether it be a beauty product, a song/lyrics, a person, a hobby, here's your chance to dedicated a comment to what makes you happy!
Simple or what!?

Competition ends August 31st 2013 and winner will be announced on September 1st 2013.
If you don't win the first time, fear not! We'll be running it every month for the next few months so be sure to come back! The boxes will be sent directly from GlossyBoxUK and due to item restrictions, it is open to the UK & Northern Ireland. However if you carry on reading, I can personally send "Pure Coconut Refreshing Dry Shampoo" & "Bamboo Style Boho Waves Tousled Texture Mist" directly to any two winners worldwide!

Read on for my GlossyBox July/August 2013 "Seaside Splash" review! 


Firstly, this GlossyBox is totally my BFF. Nearly everything in it was natural! If you know me, you know I love all things au naturale. 

I am completely in love with this ILA Face Oil For Glowing Radiance mostly because it has argan oil in it. I've give you a quick overview of argan oil, it's super duper high in Vitamin E and hence it's great for repairing. Hence if your skin has seen better days, this is the product for you. It also has a bundle of other organic ingredients so there's nothing to lose. I'd suggest washing your face and then applying this oil whilst your face is still damp so that your skin can absorb all the moisture and goodness.

I know Cara Delevingne also loves natural products, and she uses a type of skin food herself called Live Live Bee Yummy Skin Food which retails for about £75. This Weleda Skin Food retails for around 10% of this price. It has almond oil in it which has been a natural remedy for many things including skin for centuries.

An all natural sunscreen anybody? Everyone needs sunscreen, the level of SPF depends on a number of things including your vulnerability to the sun. I also found that sunscreen is great for sensitive skin as it cools the uneasy feeling of the sun and helps to prevent heat rash. This COOLA sunscreen has a SPF of 20.

I like how these two hair products tried to integrate natural ingredients but they're not really suitable for my hair type and thus I won't be using it on my hair. However after looking at the ingredients (I read ingredients like a book) I'd say the "texture spray" is definitely less harsh than your typical texture spray if you have Type 1/Straight-ish hair. As for the Dry Shampoo, although this product says "pure coconut" it doesn't seem to have any coconut in it (maybe the scent?), it's full of Butane's, Alcohol and Parfum. Once again, this is a product for Type 1/Straight-ish hair. So if you tick those boxes and want these two products ("Pure Coconut Refreshing Dry Shampoo" & "Bamboo Style Boho Waves Tousled Texture Mist"), be sure to add that to your comment below and I can make this an additional prize for two more people!

Oh my gosh! This Ciate paint pot gives me life! It's a beautiful burnt orange with slight metallic undertones, perfect for the summer. I've worn it non stop since I received it in the Glossy Box!

So that's it guys! As you can tell, I loved this box. I was so upset I didn't get the Sleek Pout Paint though, I've been wanting to try the Blue, Red & White ones, please remind me to buy those! Good luck with the giveaway/competition :)

Love you lots!


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  1. Happiness - Being curled up under a blanket with a fresh cup of green tea watching youtube videos and reading blogs... during a thunderstorm :)
    Twitter - @TheLondoNerd
    Thanks x

  2. Playing and laughing with my 5-year-old niece make me so happy! :D
    Twitter: @ako_ang_nagwagi
    Bloglovin: akoangnagwagi

  3. Family and friends make me happy. :) Thanks for this lovely giveaway!
    Twitter: @machukoy1

  4. My daughter makes me super happy, plus, family, friends and everything beauty. :)
    Twitter: @AliceAllurcore
    Bloglovin': http://www.bloglovin.com/beautifulwithinus

  5. The good humor of the people, to be with those people that I love, a small purchase, makes me happy! ^_^

    Thank you for the giveaway! :)
    Twitter: @PiccolaFlo_82

    e-mail: floryfrancy[at]inwind[dot]it

  6. Twitter: @Stellausit
    Email: sidney_3[at]hotmail.it
    Who makes me happy... is my boyfriend :) <3

  7. My friends make me happy
    bloglovin:Helen Smith

  8. Hi, thanks for the giveaway! Is this international? If so, I tell you that:
    *My twitter is @CarlaAllio
    *BlogLovin: Carlis Allio
    *Aaaaaand GOD makes me happy! :)
    Just in case, my e-mail is: carlys2711@hotmail.com

    thank you! :)

  9. hi im @xxme2uxx
    bloglovin as kim plant
    done all of above and at the moment the best thing that makes me happy is a fan I have to have one on my morning noon and night loving this summer but makes me look like a wet fish lol xx

  10. My twitter name is @ThornClaire and the thing that makes me happy is seeing my brother walk. My brother is 10 and has been unable to walk for three years because of his condition called muscular dystrophy which is where the muscles get weaker and not stronger. We went to the hospital and they gave him callipers which are devices you put on your legs and they help you to stand and walk, in about 2 weeks he can now walk and stand and do things he could never do before and seeing this puts me in the greatest mood and pushes me to do more:) <3

  11. My twitter name is @PsiSan. I didn´t know that box, looks great! Thanks for inviting me! And girl, I love those shoes!

    What makes me happy is my 3 year old son and pets <3 My son is everything to me and I need to be in contact with animals to feel happy and at peace, that's why I do pet-sitting in the summer ;)

    Thank you, Sandra

  12. Happiness is my 2 year old grandson. I can't help but to smile when he's around :)

    twitter: donovan
    Bloglovin: Katherine Donovan
    email: donovandiva61269@aol.com

  13. I feel the happiest when sharing a laugh with my family!

    Twitter: @Cinder_Ella_123
    Blogvin: Alexia Harvours

  14. My twitter name is MoonGoddess99

    The unconditional love of a cat called Max makes me happy.

  15. Is the competition open to non-UK (European) residents?! Well, even if not, a picnic in the park with good food,good friends, a good book and my dog makes me happy :)

  16. is it international?
    is a dream .. make me happy!! :D
    love ciatè
    i'm italian

    tw @trillina_palemi
    bloglovin trillina palemi
    mail palemona@libero.it

  17. My source of happiness is in what I do - lead/work with team building course.
    I enjoy it most when participants realize that they are capable of doing more than other people have said they can do. The feeling after they take a step in faith or overcome their fear of heights or fear of trusting others, that gives me an extreme joy to continue the work I do! Then I am smiling all day long.

    My twitter: @AngeIikaB

  18. Thanks so much for the giveaway dear! So, I love listen kpop music, laugh with my friends, see my family happy .. I thanks God for that!

    Twitter: @thaat
    Bloglovin username: yeahitsthaat
    Email: yeahitsthaat@hotmail.com

  19. Such a lovely giveaway, would love tp try out the products! I love to sing, dance and I love spicey food! ^___^
    Tiwtter: @LYGx_
    Bloglovin: lie-ying
    EMail: lie-ying_wu@live.nl

  20. my twitter name is @Twinklefire and i have followed both of you , i also follow you on bloglovin.

    My partner makes me the happiest women alive , i couldn't live without him.

  21. Gawjess giveaway. Follow as @jeressica.

    The smell of freshly cut grass makes me a very happy bunny!


    Follow me too? Oh So Gawjess

  22. my cats makes me happy!! :)

    twitter: @TheBlackBastet
    bloglovin: sekhmet
    email: Bas7e7@gmail.com

  23. Coming home after a hard day & taking off my shoes, pouring a glass of wine and looking at any bargains I have nabbed :)


  24. Hearing a great song that reminds me of a happy time and dancing around the house to blow off some steam. Ha :)
    Thanks for the giveaway!


  25. I must admit Katy Perry's new song puts me in a pretty damn good mood!! Whenever it comes on in the car I whack in on full blast! Following on twitter @azrad89
    ps loving your animated gif image!


  26. my life , Family,friends . they make me behappy

  27. email : nadirabelinga@hotmail.com

  28. email : nadirabelinga@hotmail.com

  29. my life , Family,friends . they make me behappy

  30. done
    makes me happy my family and work
    Twitter @Carla Antognoni
    bloglovin Carla Antognoni


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