Hello beautiful!
So I'm all about uplifting y'all (nope, I'm not American) on a daily basis. Bootyfurl (which is the way people from London and Essex say "Beautiful" - yup, you are beautiful!) was made with the intention of uplifting all of you absolute beauties, all in all emphasising inner beauty. So today I'm going to share with you 5 Things To Make Today The BEST DAY! I actually made this two weeks ago and have been waiting for a Friday to make this a #FiveThingFriday thanggg but unfortunately for me and my Y-U-SO-busy schedule (and upmost failure to schedule posts due to sheer excitement) I shall be sharing this lovely list with you on a Tuesday. My heart is slightly broken for the mere fact that the slight alliteration was broken but #FiveThingTuesday will have to do for today my lovelies!
Okay so Jennifer, the blog is called Bootyfurl aka Beautiful, could you pretty please explain the beauty game in this post. Well of course I can! As you may know, my staple red lipstick for the past few years has been Russian Red by Mac but recently I've been using Rimmel London Kate Moss Kiss of Life. Some deets? It's not matte but it's still fab! It has a slight sheen, which is aided with my compulsory thin coat of lip balm with every lip product. My hair, oh natural hair thee. I love you I do, even when you decide to your own thing. I mean, I'm your mother surely you should listen to me every once in a while. I'm not exactly sure what look you were going for this particular day but hey I love you anyway! :D haha but really who knows what this was but honestly a #NaturalHairTip for y'all is to accept it, the good the bad, everything! Some days your hair will be meh, sometimes it could be yayyy, sometimes it could be like *insert Keisha Johnson meme here*
What am I wearing? I hear you ask! My OOTD aka outfit of the day, my #FashionFriday (even though today is totally Tuesday #awk). My outfit of the day became two outfits of le day, is it that I'm creative or indecisive? The answer seems to steer towards the latter but fear not it just means two outfit ideas for you!
Número uno, can I get a #MINNIEPOWERHOLLER please. Please? I said pleaseee *puppy eyes* - ultimately Minnie Mouse is my homie, we go way back #bae.
Número dos is a more practical look I guess haha. I try to maintain #LeBlogger[NoSmile]Look but in reality, in between every pose I'm genuinely smiling and laughing!
Want to find out how to make today the best day and enter the giveaway? *exhale* then head over to my YouTube channel, watch the video and then read the description bar! I've been a bit cheeky by subjecting this post as "5 Things To Make Today The Best Day! + #giveaway" but not actually mentioning the 5 things in this post nor details of the giveaway itself haha but fear not, it's all in the video beautiful p.s. my youtube is youtube.com/bootyfurl and the subscribe button is red I believe *wink wink*
Until next time my beautiful friends!
Until next time my beautiful friends!
Yours sincerely,
Jennifer Agwunobi
Jennifer Agwunobi